We are Manufacturer and Supplier in a wide range of Oil Seal. We offer multiple brands and different qualities as per our customers need.

Oil Seal or shaft seals are an integral part in any rotating and moving part assembly. Oil seals find great deal of usage in gearboxes, hydraulic cylinders, etc. The usage of the seals in areas concerned with motion also earns them a name of “Dynamic Oil Seals.” The purpose of the oil seals is ..

· To act as a physical barrier retaining the lubricating oil where it is bound to be.

· To prevent the lubricating oil from leaking outside even under high pressure of the oil.

· To act as a barrier and prevent dirt, contamination and other external entities from entering the system containing the lubricating oil.

Based on the application of the oil seal, the outer skin layer tends to differ. Here are some types of the materials used for the outer skin of the oil seal.



1. Nitrile rubber – The commonly used material for oil seals
2. Silicone – Used in specific applications where only light loads are applied.
3. Poly acrylate.
4. Fluro elastomer also popularly known as Viton. – The high temperature resistant material used in places where temperature is more than 120 Degree Celcius.
5. Polytetra Fluro Ethylene (PTFE)